2nd Edition


Rome, Italy
September 5th – 7th, 2024

Scientific Coordinators: Prof Bianca Maria Piraccini, Dr Michela Starace
Lessons will be given in Italian.

1.200 € + VAT

2nd Edition


Rome, Italy
September 5th – 7th, 2024

Scientific Coordinators: Prof Bianca Maria Piraccini, Dr Michela Starace
Lessons will be given in Italian.

1.200 € + VAT

Dermoscopy is nowadays the most utilized tool to evaluate patients complaining hair loss or nail disease.
Trichoscopy refers to dermoscopy of hair and scalp and permits to study hair shafts, follicular ostia, scalp skin, and blood vessels. Trichoscopy allows to evaluate several basic parameters such as the density, the diameter, hair shaft diversity, as well as the presence/absence of follicular ostia, the scalp vessels changes and other signs of hair disorders. Trichoscopy also helps clinician to predict the activity of the disease and to evaluate the response to treatments. A further use of trichoscopy is to guide the choice of the appropriate site for scalp biopsy in cases needing a histopathological evaluation.
Onychoscopy, or nail dermoscopy, was initially suggested for the assessment of nail melanocytic lesions, but it use has gradually been extended to the evaluation of all nail dystrophies, becoming a routine diagnostic instrument. In daily practice, onychoscopy is used to reinforce presumptive clinical diagnoses, as well as to guide the management of different nail diseases. In most cases nail dermoscopy only permits a better visualization of symptoms already evident to the naked eye.
However, in a few diseases, the technique can provide important diagnostic information. Nail dermoscopy can study all visible parts of the nail unit, but can also be utilized to observe the nail matrix, the only non-visible nail epithelium, in conjunction with intra-operative methods.
A correct trichoscopy or onychoscopy assessment of the patient requires a good knowledge of both the technique and the physiology of hair and nails.
This masterclass is aimed to provide the necessary knowledge and hail and nail physiology that allows good comprehension of the trichoscopy and onychoscopy signs. Understanding the pathophysiology of the different dermoscopy sign will then allow easy diagnosis and management of the diseases of skin appendages.
International Dermoscopy Society AUSPICES CERTIFICATE



The first part of the masterclass will cover the techniques to correctly perform hair and nail dermoscopy; the attendees will then perform in vivo this exam on the scalp and nails.


The second part will be devoted to the dermoscopy study of normal scalp and nail and the explanation of the basic onychoscopy and trichoscopy signs.


The last part will cover the main features of the most commonly encountered hair and nail diseases.

Have a look at the video of the first edition

2nd Edition



8.30 Participants registration

9.00 MODULE 1: Intro
Trichoscopy techniques – B. M. Piraccini
Onychoscopy techniques – M. Starace

10.45 Coffee break

11.15 MODULE 2: Basic trichoscopy signs – B. M. Piraccini

13.00 Light Lunch

14.00 MODULE 3: Basic onychoscopy signs – M. Starace
Distal margin
Periungual tissues

15.45 Coffee break

16.15 MODULE 4: Specific trichoscopy and onychoscopy
Pull test trichoscopy – B. M. Piraccini
Onychoscopy after removal onycholitic nail plate – M. Starace
Capillaroscopy – M. Starace
Trichoscopy guided-biopsy – B. M. Piraccini

18.00 Conclusion

9.00 MODULE 5: Non cicatricial alopecia
Alopecia areata – B. M. Piraccini
Androgenetic alopecia – M. Starace
Telogen effluvium – M. Starace
Tricotillomania – B. M. Piraccini

10.45 Coffee break

11.15 MODULE 6: Cicatricial alopecia
LPP and its variants – B. M. Piraccini
Discioid lupus erythematosus and connectivities – M. Starace
Folliculitis decalvans – B. M. Piraccini

13.00 Light lunch

14.00 MODULE 7: Scaly conditions
Tinea capitis – B. M. Piraccini
Psoriasis – M. Starace
Seborrheic dermatitis – B. M. Piraccini
Management of scalp eczema: contact and atopic dermatitis – M. Starace

15.45 Coffee break

16.15 MODULE 8: Uncommon alopecia
Dissecting cellulitis – B. M. Piraccini
Erosive pustulosis of the scalp – M. Starace
Hair diseases typical of children – M. Starace

18.00 Conclusion

18.10 Non CME
Set the expectation: Barictinib from clinical trial to real life experience – B. M. Piraccini

9.00 MODULE 9: Inflammatory nail diseases
Psoriasis – B. M. Piraccini
Parakeratosis pustulosa – B. M. Piraccini
Lichen planus – B. M. Piraccini
Lichen striatus – M. Starace
Contact dermatitis – M. Starace

10.45 Coffee break

11.15 MODULE 10: Infective nail diseases
Viral diseases – M. Starace
Bacterial diseases – B. M. Piraccini
Mycotic diseases – B. M. Piraccini
Parasitic diseases – M. Starace

13.00 Light lunch

14.00 MODULE 11: Nail tumors
Benign nail tumors – M. Starace
Malignant nail tumors – B. M. Piraccini

15.45 Coffee break

16.15 MODULE 12: Case-based summary
B. M. Piraccini, M. Starace 

18.00 Conclusion – Final Ceremony

Social program

The International Masterclass is also distinguished by an important social program, which will involve all the participants on Thursday and Friday evenings for dinner, in characteristic restaurants in the Eternal City downtown.


NH Collection Roma Centro
Via dei Gracchi 324, 00192 Roma
+39 06 33680034


NH Collection Roma Centro
Via dei Gracchi 324, 00192 Roma
+39 06 33680034



Piraccini scontornata

Bianca Maria Piraccini

Full Professor, MED / 35, Dermatology and Venereology – Head of Division of Dermatology, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences University of Bologna, Italy

Main research fields:

  • Hair biology and pathology – Trichoscopy- Nail biology and pathology – Onychoscopy- Medical Mycology

Integrative teaching and student service activities

  • Director of the Specialization school in Dermatology University of Bologna since 2019
  • Deputy for internationalization of the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC) Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
  • “Mentor” for medical students at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) of Florida International University

Scientific publications

Prof. Piraccini is the author of 401 Journal articles (of which 360 on PubMed), 59 Chapters of Volumes and 11 monographs on dermatological diseases.
She has participated in and participates in numerous national and international congresses and courses where she is often a speaker.

Piraccini scontornata

Bianca Maria Piraccini

Full Professor, MED / 35, Dermatology and Venereology – Head of Division of Dermatology, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences University of Bologna, Italy

Main research fields:

  • Hair biology and pathology – Trichoscopy- Nail biology and pathology – Onychoscopy- Medical Mycology

Integrative teaching and student service activities

  • Director of the Specialization school in Dermatology University of Bologna since 2019
  • Deputy for internationalization of the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC) Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
  • “Mentor” for medical students at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) of Florida International University

Scientific publications

Prof. Piraccini is the author of 401 Journal articles (of which 360 on PubMed), 59 Chapters of Volumes and 11 monographs on dermatological diseases.
She has participated in and participates in numerous national and international congresses and courses where she is often a speaker.

starace scontornata

Michela Starace

Researcher, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine – DIMES, Academic discipline: MED/35 Dermatology and Venereal Diseases; Head of Hair, Nail and Allergy  Consultation at Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna.

  • Assistant in the degree course in Podology and in the degree course in Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and Master in Medicine and Surgery (Infectious Diseases, Dermatology and Plastic Surgery)
  • Responsible for the Dermatologic Unit of the submission of all the studies to the local Ethic Committee
  • Principal responsible of the organization of the National Alopecia Areata Day in Italy
  • RdQ of School of residency in Dermatology and Venerology at the Department of Specialized, Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Dermatology- IRCCS, Policlinico Sant’Orsola, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy

Scientific publications

Dr. Starace is Author of 180 Papers published on International and Italian Journals and 25 book’s chapter

starace scontornata

Michela Starace

Researcher, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine – DIMES, Academic discipline: MED/35 Dermatology and Venereal Diseases; Head of Hair, Nail and Allergy  Consultation at Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna.

  • Assistant in the degree course in Podology and in the degree course in Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and Master in Medicine and Surgery (Infectious Diseases, Dermatology and Plastic Surgery)
  • Responsible for the Dermatologic Unit of the submission of all the studies to the local Ethic Committee
  • Principal responsible of the organization of the National Alopecia Areata Day in Italy
  • RdQ of School of residency in Dermatology and Venerology at the Department of Specialized, Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Dermatology- IRCCS, Policlinico Sant’Orsola, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy

Scientific publications

Dr. Starace is Author of 180 Papers published on International and Italian Journals and 25 book’s chapter

Participant interviews

Supporters 2023

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